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Consequences of Frequently Holding in Urination
Tips for Preventing Diseases Due to Holding in Urination
Urination is a natural activity that occurs in our body. These are the remains of the body's metabolism that are no longer used. The average person will urinate 6-8 times a day. This also depends on the amount of drinking water he consumes. The more we drink, the more often we urinate. Urine color can also be an indicator of the health of our body. The clearer the color of your urine, this is a sign that you are well hydrated. However, if the color of urine is dark yellow, this indicates that your body is dehydrated or lacks fluids.
Maybe some of us like to get used to holding in our urine. Whether you're traveling, working, or playing online games. So, we need to know that there are many dangers or health problems that we experience if we often hold in urinating. Among these health problems are the following:
Consequences of Frequently Holding in Urination
Urinary tract infection
The urinary tract is a collective channel for the organs that form, collect, and empty urine, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Frequently holding in urination will cause bacteria in the bladder to multiply rapidly and cause Urinary Tract Infections or UTIs. One way to expel the bacteria is by urinating. Please note that this bad habit does not directly cause urinary tract infections, but if left for a long period of time, the bacteria will multiply and cause urinary tract infections.
Kidney stones
Another effect if we get used to holding in urination is the formation of kidney stones. These kidney stones are "small stones" that form in the kidneys from deposits of the minerals sodium and calcium. This sediment occurs because of the habit of holding in urination. At first, only small stones form, which can be passed when urinating. However, if left unchecked, it will continue to enlarge and block the urinary tract so that you will feel pain when urinating.
Low back pain
Another consequence of holding in urination is back pain. This is because the muscles around the bladder and kidneys continue to tighten. However, this back pain will disappear after we urinate. That is why we are advised not to get into the habit of holding in urination.
Bladder Swelling
The bladder in adults has an average capacity of around 440 ml. If we drink eight glasses of water every day, which is equivalent to approximately two liters of water, that means our bladder can only hold less than a quarter of the water we drink. This bladder is very elastic and will expand with the water we drink. And it returns to normal after we urinate.
When we frequently hold in urinating, the bladder will hold more urine. This causes the bladder to continue to enlarge. If left for a long time, swelling will occur in the bladder. In rare cases, this swelling can be fatal.
Urine Leakage or Bed Wetting
In the case above, bladder swelling has been described. Well, the result of this swelling will cause the muscles in the urinary tract to continue to tighten and eventually become damaged. Where there are muscles around the urethra which function to close the urinary tract so that urine does not leak and seep. If this muscle is damaged, urine will not be controlled, and this will result in urine leaking easily or wetting the bed.
Tips for Preventing Diseases Due to Holding in Urination
There are several tips that we can do to avoid diseases caused by the habit of holding in urination.
- Get into the habit of urinating every three hours.
As stated at the beginning, the average person will urinate 6-8 times a day. This means every three hours, try to urinate. Even if there is no urge to urinate, this will help us to prevent some of the diseases above.
- Exercise regularly
There is no question that exercise is the path to a healthy life. For us to know, the body's metabolic waste water is not completely excreted in the form of urine. This metabolic wastewater can also be excreted in the form of sweat. By exercising diligently, our bodies will produce a lot of sweat. Indirectly, this will reduce the amount of fluid stored in the bladder.
- Prioritize urination
When you are working or traveling or during other activities, prioritize urinating when you really have the urge to urinate. Most people ignore this because they think this is trivial, even though this trivial thing can prevent several diseases that it causes.
These are some of the diseases caused by the habit of holding in urination. Do you still like to hold your urine? Healthy living starts with us. And prevention is better than cure.
Image source: letusfindout.com