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Causes of Bad Breath
How to Get Rid of Bad Breath
Bad breath actually makes us less confident when talking directly to other people. To overcome this there are several ways to get rid of bad breath that you can try.
But beforehand, it would be good to first identify what causes bad breath.
Causes of Bad Breath
Bad breath is caused by the presence of bacteria in the mouth, which produces smelly chemical compounds. There are many things that cause the presence of these bacteria. Among the causes are the following:
- Dental plaque
- Cavity
- Dirty tongue
- Dry mouth
- Food residue that settles between the teeth
- Dentures that are not kept clean
- infection in the oral cavity
The main problem is the lack of maintaining oral and dental hygiene. Apart from the causes above, several things that also cause bad breath are:
- Consuming foods that have the potential to cause bad breath, such as petai, garlic, and so on
- Smoking and consuming alcohol
- Suffering from diabetes, sinusitis, tonsillitis, stomach disease, and kidney failure.
So, how do you get rid of bad breath? Continue reading the explanation until the end.
How to Get Rid of Bad Breath
There are several ways to get rid of bad breath. You can try the following method and feel the results. Below are some of them:
1. Brushing your teeth regularly
Brushing your teeth regularly is the easiest and most important way. You can routinely brush your teeth after eating and before going to bed using fluoride toothpaste.
2. Clean the tongue
The next way is to clean your tongue regularly. Use a special tongue cleaner. You don't need to clean it too hard because it can cause your tongue to hurt.
3. Clean between the teeth
Cleaning between your teeth is not only when there are food residues stuck. You can do this method every 2 or 3 days.
4. Chewing gum
The next way to get rid of bad breath is to chew gum. In this way, the mouth will produce more saliva, which can help eliminate bad breath.
5. Using mouthwash
This method is also an alternative to get rid of bad breath. However, you should avoid using mouthwash that contains alcohol. This will actually cause a dry mouth.
6. Check with the dentist regularly
This is an important thing you have to do. By seeing a dentist regularly, at least once every six months, problems in the oral cavity that cause bad breath will be detected and resolved more quickly.
Those are some ways to get rid of bad breath that you can try. Please remember oral and dental hygiene is the main thing that must be maintained to avoid bad breath.