6 Benefits of Saffron, the Most Expensive Spice in the World which is Good for Health

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world and has many health benefits, one of which is maintaining brain health.

6 Benefits of Saffron, the Most Expensive Spice in the World which is Good for Health
Saffron Image

Saffron is a spice that comes from the crocus sativus flower, commonly known as saffron crocus. Saffron is thought to have originated and was first cultivated in Greece.

However, currently, this purple flower is found in many countries, such as Iran, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Morocco and India.

Even so, Iran is the largest saffron producer in the world. This is indicated by the fact that more than 90% of saffron production in the world is in this country, or to be precise, in Khorasan Razavi Province and the Gonabad region. This area is a dry and semiarid temperate plateau in Central Iran.

In this century, Iran has succeeded in producing saffron at a minimum price of US$5,000 per kg, making it the most expensive spice in the world.

This purple flower has an attractive color and a distinctive taste. So, saffron that is spread on a tray and then dried over a charcoal fire can be used as a food flavouring and colouring.

A reference states that this flower was first discovered in the 7th century BC by Assyrian botany compiled under Ashurbanipal.


How to Process Saffron?

Saffron can be consumed by mixing tea leaves or adding other herbs and spices. There are many recipes you can try to prepare this supplement. However, the simplest and most common way is to boil saffron with boiling water as if making tea. Then strain, and this drink can be enjoyed.


How Long Does Saffron Store? Does it Expire Easily?

Saffron does not expire, but it does have a shelf life. Just like other spices, the aroma of this plant will disappear over time, but the taste will become stronger. This herb is easily damaged when exposed to direct light, oxygen, humidity and heat. In fact, with just a little contamination from the substances above, saffron will wilt quickly.



Benefits of Saffron for Health

Apart from being used as a food flavouring and colouring, saffron also has benefits that are good for health. Here are six benefits of this herbal quoted via Halodoc.

Maintain and Improve the Immune System

Saffron is one of the herbs that is efficacious for maintaining and increasing the body's immune system. Especially at times of changing seasons like this, plus busy daily activities, of course, someone needs excellent immunity.

Apart from that, even though it had subsided, Covid-19 cases in several areas are increasing again. So, we need daily supplements to keep our bodies in good condition.

Saffron can help you feel fitter because it is quite high in antioxidants. So, these natural substances can fight free radicals that enter the body due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

Saffron also has anti-inflammatory properties to prevent and treat inflammation that occurs in the body. So, it can repair abnormal body tissues or cells.

Relieve Menstrual Pain

Menstruation is a routine cycle that women experience every month. Before or during menstruation, some women experience pain. This discomfort during the monthly cycle can be overcome by consuming saffron.

Pre-menstrual syndrome, or PMS, is usually characterized by dizziness and lower back pain, and what is most disturbing is the sensation of cramps in the stomach.

Apart from treating physical disorders caused by PMS, saffron is also effective in reducing anxiety and erratic mood changes during menstruation. To do this, you simply dissolve the saffron flowers in water.

rempah saffron

Increase Sexual Desire

Next is increasing romance in bed. If recently you and your partner have been feeling less passionate at night, then saffron flowers could be the solution.

Men consuming saffron flowers can help them improve their erectile abilities. Meanwhile, for women, this herb can produce a lot of lubricating fluid. So, this supplement is good for married men and women to consume.

Maintain Eye Health

Staring at a cellphone or laptop screen for too long can cause eyes to tire easily. So, it is not surprising that studying or working while staring at a screen for too long can damage eye function.

This can be overcome by consuming safranal, a natural compound in saffron flowers. A study suspects that this compound can slow retinal degeneration in mice. This is certainly a promising result, although more research is still needed.

For older people, consuming saffron is thought to be able to stimulate medium-term improvements in retinal function. Significant results were also seen in cases of macular degeneration.

Overcoming Insomnia

Apart from safranal, saffron also contains crocin, which is good for reducing rapid eye movements during sleep. So, this supplement is also believed to be able to overcome insomnia.
Saffron also contains crocetin and carotenoids, which are useful for increasing total non-REM sleep time by as much as 50 per cent.

A study in the Journal of Integrative Medicine also shows that this purple flower can help overcome insomnia due to depression in adults.

Maintaining Brain Health

As mentioned earlier, saffron extract has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, saffron is thought to be able to overcome memory disorders, especially those associated with traumatic brain injury and brain ischemia.

Not only that, the therapeutic potential of this flower can overcome various problems in the nervous system and also improve brain health for Alzheimer's or Parkinson's sufferers.


These are the six benefits of saffron that are good for health.


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