Black garlic image

Maybe you have often heard about shallots and garlic because both are kitchen spices that are used almost every day. However, did you know that there is another type of onion, namely black garlic or black garlic?


What is Black Garlic?

Black garlic is raw garlic that undergoes a fermentation process at a temperature of 60-77 degrees Celsius for around 30 to 90 days. After undergoing this process, the fresh garlic will change to black. Apart from that, the texture will also be more supple and soft. Meanwhile, in terms of taste, this onion will be a little sour.

People who have tried black garlic say that it has a taste similar to tamarind candy or slightly sour caramel candy.

After undergoing a fermentation process for months, the aroma of black garlic is no longer as sharp as raw garlic.


So, how do you consume black garlic?

Actually, there is no special procedure for consuming black garlic. These onions can be eaten straight after peeling them.

Chewing raw black garlic is good for your teeth because the antiseptic properties of onions can kill germs in the mouth.

Apart from that, black garlic can be used as a salad mixture or as a cooking topping.


When is the Right Time to Eat Black Garlic?

Just like how to consume it, there is no special procedure for when to consume this onion, meaning it can be eaten at any time, both after eating, after exercising, or while working.


Then, how long is the shelf life of black garlic?

Black garlic will expire or spoil after 6 months of storage in the refrigerator and in a dry, closed container.


Lastly, what are the benefits of black garlic compared to regular garlic?

According to, black garlic actually has the same benefits as garlic. However, there are some people who feel disturbed by the smell of garlic after consuming it. So, black garlic could be an alternative. Apart from that, the taste is also relatively better.

Apart from that, black garlic has higher antioxidants than regular garlic because the fermentation process changes the allicin in raw garlic into alkaloids and flavonoids, which act as antioxidants.

Antioxidants are compounds that can protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals, which can cause various chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and so on. The antioxidant content in black garlic is SAC. A researcher in Korea revealed that black garlic was effective in lowering cholesterol in mice.

Apart from that, wilted garlic, such as Kyolic, is also useful for treating a number of diseases. This substance is a food supplement produced by Wakunaga Pharmaceutical Co. in Japan.

Quoting Halodoc, there are 5 other benefits of this black herb.


Benefits of Black Garlic for Health

Supports Heart Health

The anti-inflammatories and antioxidants in black garlic can support heart health. This is because the combination of the two can protect cells in the cardiovascular system.

Apart from that, this bioactive compound also works by inhibiting the formation of proteins and enzymes that can cause inflammation. Black garlic also helps reduce triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.

So, a study in Frontiers in Physiology proves that blood circulation can become more optimal by consuming black onions. As a result, the risk of cardiovascular health problems can decrease significantly.

Prevent Diabetes Complications

Another health benefit of black garlic is that it lowers blood sugar levels. Another study in Molecules states that this can happen because the content of antioxidants and SAC compounds is quite high.

If blood sugar levels can be reduced and controlled, then complications caused by diabetes can be minimized.

Quoting Kompas, there is a study entitled "Antioxidant mechanism of black garlic extract involving nuclear factor erythroid 2-like factor 2 pathway". This research used test animals in the form of mice that were made diabetic by eating a diet high in sugar and fat. Then, giving black garlic in certain doses caused the blood sugar levels of these mice to decrease.

Treating Stomach Acid

Raw garlic is one of the foods that is prohibited for consumption by stomach acid sufferers. But not with black garlic. Because the SAC compound in onions is easily soluble in water and easily absorbed by the body, this makes the allicin absorption process easier.

Reduces Cancer Risk

The high antioxidant properties of black garlic are also good for cancer sufferers. This herbal supplement can prevent and be an alternative medicine because antioxidants are believed to kill cancer cells. Not only that, this bioactive compound also inhibits the growth rate of abnormal cells that can attack healthy cells.

So, black garlic is also efficacious for tumor cells and maintains cells by forming certain proteins to fight cancer cells.

Improves Brain Function

The final function of black garlic is to help maintain brain health. The antioxidants in onions can prevent inflammation caused by unhealthy food patterns, which trigger the growth of damaging free radicals.

So, this effect is believed to improve cognitive abilities and memory. The brain can also be protected from the risk of various serious diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and dementia.


That's a glimpse of black garlic and its health benefits.


Image source: Black Garlic (Pixabay/Capucine)