Get to know the 7 benefits of butterfly pea flowers for health

Butterfly pea flower, a beautiful purplish blue flower with many health benefits. This flower from Central America can also be used as a culinary mixture

Get to know the 7 benefits of butterfly pea flowers for health
Picture of butterfly pea flower

Butterfly pea flowers are flowers shaped like purplish blue butterflies. This beautiful flower has the Latin name Clitoria ternatea. Even so, the butterfly pea flower has various names in Indonesia. This flower from Central America has the names blue flower, clitoris flower, and butterfly pea flower in Sumatra.

This is different from Java, where telling flowers are called kembang teleng or menteleng. Meanwhile, in the capital, Betawi people call it teleng, then in Sulawesi, it is called bunga talang, taman lareng, and in Maluku, it is called bisi, or seyamagulele.


Benefits of Butterfly Flowers

Quoting the Faculty of Nursing, Airlangga University, telang flowers have many benefits. The natural blue to purple color can be extracted into powder, used as food coloring, dried, or processed into drinks.

Not only as a natural ingredient in food and drinks, butterfly pea flowers are also good for health. This is because this clay creeping flower contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Here are 7 health benefits of butterfly pea flowers:

bunga telang

Butterfly flower |

1. Slows down aging

The large number of antioxidants in butterfly pea flowers can be useful as a youth medicine. This is because tannins, flavonoid phenols, and flavanol glycosides can ward off free radicals that cause aging. The free radicals neutralized by these antioxidants can disguise and slow down wrinkles on the skin.

2. Improves the body's immune system

Butterfly pea flowers can also improve the immune system because their acidic properties can fight bacteria in the digestive system. Apart from that, antioxidants can also ward off free radicals caused by pollution and unhealthy eating patterns and reduce the risk of degenerative diseases in the future.

However, pay attention to the serving dosage, OK? In the transition season, especially in a pandemic era like this, we really need a body with excellent endurance so that we can avoid various diseases.

Stick with a healthy lifestyle and get enough rest so that the benefits of the Telang flower can be obtained optimally, OK?

3. Improves eye health

In this digital era, most people spend a lot of time in front of laptop screens or gadgets. So, the eyes become tired more easily, and over time they become nearsighted. So, the consumption of butterfly pea flowers, which contain proanthocyanidin, is highly recommended.

This is because this natural compound has the ability to improve blood flow to the eye capillaries. So, consuming butterfly pea flower tea helps in treating glaucoma, treating nearsightedness, retinal damage, and tired eyes.

4. Controls Blood Sugar Levels

Blood sugar problems are a frightening problem for many people. Especially nowadays, the culinary world is developing rapidly so that the variety of food and drinks is becoming more and more numerous. The bad news is some of these foods and drinks are high in sugar.

So, consuming butterfly pea flowers can help reduce triglycerides in total blood cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol levels.

5. Improves brain health

The next benefit of butterfly pea flowers is increasing acetylcholine. This compound plays an active role in the process of remembering, maintaining concentration, and learning information. In addition, the high antioxidants in this flower help prevent dementia and improve memory and concentration.

This is because antioxidants, such as flavonoids and anthocyanins, are effective in repairing body cells, including nerve cells.

6. As an anticancer

According to a study, methanol extract of butterfly pea flowers was reported to suppress angiogenesis in EAC (Ehrlich ascites carcinoma) cell lines. The mechanism is by regulating VEGF secretion.

Methanol extract from butterfly pea flowers can also suppress the activity of HIF-1α (Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α), which is thought to be a breakthrough in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

7. Relieves Asthma

Lastly, this herb is traditionally believed to relieve asthma and coughs. This has been proven through studies that butterfly pea flower extract can be used as a therapy for allergies that cause shortness of breath.

However, still, pay attention to the taboos for each of these diseases. Even though you have consumed butterfly pea flowers according to the recommended dosage, if you still violate the taboo, it will certainly worsen your health condition.


How to Consume Butterfly Flowers

This beautiful flower, which has spread to tropical areas since the 19th century, can be consumed as tea. Quoting Alodokter, the method for making it is very easy. You just pour hot water into a glass. Then, add the butterfly pea flowers and leave for 15 minutes. The water in the glass will change color to purplish-blue. After the butterfly pea flowers do not produce color, separate the water and butterfly pea flowers by filtering them. Butterfly flower tea is ready to drink.


Dangers of Butterfly Flowers

Even though it is safe for consumption, it is not recommended to drink steeped water or decoction of butterfly pea flowers every day.

This is because the compounds in butterfly pea flowers can bind many substances that enter the body. So, this collection of compounds will form solids and accumulate in the kidneys. The danger is this can trigger kidney stones.

Likewise, for people with stomach acid, the purple color in butterfly pea flower tea is formed because the acid content is quite high. Excessive consumption of butterfly pea flowers will also cause nausea and diarrhea.

So, based on the Banyumas Mind of the People Lens, it is safe to drink just 1 glass of butterfly pea flower tea per day with 2-3 grams of butterfly pea flower or one handful in each portion.


That's a glimpse of Telang flowers and their health benefits.