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Is it possible for diabetics to fast during the month of Ramadan? Counting the days before the month of Ramadan, Muslims will fast for the entire month. Can diabetes patients also fast?

Fasting for diabetics can be a little tricky. If you do it incorrectly, this worship activity can actually cause serious problems.

But actually, diabetics can fast regularly like those who are healthy. However, of course, there are a number of rules that need to be adhered to so that your body remains fit during fasting.


Important Principles for Fasting Diabetes Sufferers

The problem faced by diabetes sufferers is that they are susceptible to having excess blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and becoming deficient in blood sugar (Hypoglycemia).

So, it is important for diabetes sufferers to really understand the tricks to keep fasting fit. Here are a number of tricks so that diabetes sufferers can fast healthily and safely.

Consult a doctor first

Before starting fasting, make sure the patient has consulted with a doctor first. Do a check to ensure your blood sugar levels are relatively normal and your body is fit enough to fast.

Ask for adjustments regarding the diet pattern that is compatible with the fasting eating pattern. Don't forget to also ask for a reset of your daily medication-taking pattern.

Usually, the pattern of taking medication is given with the assumption that the patient follows a normal diet and not a fasting diet.

Control your diet

During fasting, you need to ensure that your sugar levels do not increase excessively or drastically decrease throughout the day.

The key to this regulation lies in diet. Make sure you remain disciplined in terms of food portions, daily calorie levels, and the type of intake you consume.

Stick to your eating pattern three times a day and avoid consuming excessive sweet foods at Iftar and sahur.

Always make sure you drink enough

Another important note is that diabetics tend to urinate easily. Therefore, they will more easily become dehydrated.

Therefore, it is important to drink enough when breaking the fast and dawn. Avoid drinks that work as diuretics, such as caffeinated drinks, because they will increase urination.

Monitor blood sugar levels

Diabetics can fast if their blood sugar levels remain stable throughout the day. Therefore, make sure to carry out routine checks every day. Make sure there are no excessive rises or drastic falls throughout the day.

Take immediate steps if it is detected that the sugar level is below 70 mg/dL or above 200 mg/dL. It is highly recommended that you cancel your fast if this condition occurs.