8 Benefits of Habbatussauda Seeds, Sunnah Used by the Prophet as Medicine
Habbatussauda is a herbal supplement recommended by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the hadith. These magical seeds contain high antioxidants as a cure for various diseases.
Habbatusauda is one of the herbs that is increasingly being used by the public. Moreover, therapy using herbal ingredients, aka herbal medicine, has been a tradition handed down from Indonesian ancestors.
What is a Black Seed?
Habbatussauda is a black cumin seed with the Latin name Nigella sativa. Taxonomically, this plant originating from South Asia and West Asia is in the Ranunculaceae family.
Apart from being used as an herbal medicine, Black Seed is also used as a natural flavoring and preservative in preparing Indian and Middle Eastern dishes. This is because the taste and aroma are distinctive, namely bitter-spicy, like a combination of shallots, black pepper, and oregano.
Habbatussauda content
The various benefits of Black Seed seeds certainly cannot be separated from their natural content, which consists of antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, minerals, and others. The following is the content of black seed as quoted via Halodoc.
- Calories.
- Proteins.
- Fat.
- Carbohydrate.
- Fiber.
- Calcium.
- Iron.
- Phosphor.
- Folic acid.
How to Consume Black Seed
There are many ways to consume black seed, including using it as a cooking spice, as mentioned previously.
However, according to Hellosehat, you can also consume 1-3 grams of dry powder/seeds or 3-5 ml of black cumin oil per day. According to research, this dosage has been tested and is safe enough for daily consumption.
So that the bitter taste is not so pronounced, you can add honey, mix it into fruit juice, or drink it in capsule form after eating. You can also drink black seed that has been boiled for 5 minutes.
Is it safe to consume black seed every day?
Quoting detik.com, Ustaz Dr Zaidul Akbar said that consuming Black Seed every day is permissible and safe, as long as it's not too much. Just by regularly consuming 1-3 pills in the morning, afternoon, and evening, it will be effective.
Benefits of Black Seed for Health
In the hadith of Abu Hurairah r.a., Rasulullah SAW said, "Indeed, black cumin contains medicine for all kinds of diseases, except death."
So, many Muslims use it as medicine. Quoting the Faculty of Nursing, Airlangga University, here are eight benefits of Black Seed for health.
1. Improves Sperm Quality
Habbatussauda can be used as a promo for men. Especially for heavy smokers, nicotine in the body can have a negative impact on the structure of testicular tissue. This can be seen in sperm that are less agile in swimming (motility) and also that their normal shape changes.
So, nicotine and toxins in cigarettes affect male fertility. However, research from the University of Malaysia in 2014 in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine reported that black seed oil can improve sperm quality and support better testicular organ tissue structure.
2. Overcoming Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms
Thymoquinone (TQ) is the active compound in Black Seed. Mice that were injected with a dose of TQ in the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UTM) Malaysia research in 2014 were proven to be able to recover from type 1 diabetes.
Apart from that, Zagazig University in Egypt combines black seed extract with other typical Middle Eastern spices (Myrrh, Gum olybanum, and Gum asafoetida). The results show that this herb is effective in lowering blood sugar levels in lab mice due to its inhibitory effect on glucose metabolism in the liver.
Black cumin will make diabetics less dependent on insulin. Apart from that, well-controlled blood sugar levels can prevent complications, such as kidney problems, eye problems, and even stroke.
3. Lowers Blood Pressure
Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences in Iran states that black seed extract pills can reduce levels of total cholesterol and LDL "bad" cholesterol in the blood. On the other hand, these pills also increase levels of good HDL cholesterol.
This benefit can be obtained after taking black seed extract pills every day for two months in people with mild hypertension. This herb has also been proven to be safe for routine consumption because no complications were found.
4. Fights Cancer
Furthermore, the antioxidants in Black Seed can fight malignancy and the development of cancer cells in lab mice. Habbatussauda ethanol extract can protect 80% of the effects of oxidative stress in the body.
As is known, unhealthy lifestyles and eating patterns can trigger free radicals and oxidative stress. Thus, this triggers various cell damage and causes various chronic diseases, including Cancer.
5. Increases body endurance
Another benefit of Black Seed is that it can increase body endurance. This is because the content of vitamins A, C, E, and several B vitamins is quite high.
These various vitamins have been proven to help maintain immunity. So you avoid obesity, diabetes, heart disease and Cancer.
6. Relieve Asthma
Black cumin oil is known to reduce inflammation and relax muscles in the airways. For your information, asthma is a symptom of chronic disease resulting from a swollen respiratory tract. As a result, the muscles around the respiratory tract become narrow, making it difficult for sufferers to breathe.
Phytotherapy Research research has proven that 80 adults suffering from asthma were cured by consuming 500 milligrams of black cumin oil supplements twice a day for four weeks.
7. Overcoming inflammation
As mentioned previously, Black Seed can overcome inflammation so that it can relieve asthma. These anti-inflammatory properties can also minimize various health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
8. Maintains healthy hair
Finally, the antioxidants in black seed are not only good for health but also beauty. Applying black seed oil regularly to your hair can make your hair stronger, shinier, and thicker.
These are the eight benefits of Black Seed for health and beauty.
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