7 Foods for Stomach Acid Sufferers that are Safe to Eat

Various foods for stomach acid sufferers are easy to find. You need to know this to maintain a healthy body and avoid making mistakes in choosing food.

7 Foods for Stomach Acid Sufferers that are Safe to Eat
Pictures of food for stomach acid sufferers

The rise of stomach acid in the esophagus can be triggered by various factors, one of which is caused by food. Some foods that can trigger an increase in stomach acid include foods that taste spicy, foods high in fat, sour fruit, and chocolate. Therefore, it is important to know foods for stomach acid sufferers so that your health condition can be well maintained.

GERD, or what is more familiarly known as stomach acid disease, often triggers various symptoms, such as a burning sensation in the chest, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, the mouth, the pit of the stomach feels sore, food feels like it is going back up into the esophagus, and This makes it possible for sufferers to have difficulty sleeping because the symptoms often recur at night.

These various complaints are often triggered by certain habits or eating patterns, such as eating too fast, lying down immediately after eating, consuming food that is too spicy, and so on.

However, people with stomach acid don't need to worry because even though you have to avoid certain types of food, you can still eat healthy foods that are safe for stomach acid sufferers. Summarized from various health sources, here are some foods for stomach acid sufferers!


Food for Gastric Acid Sufferers


One food for stomach acid sufferers that is easy to find is oatmeal. The reason is oatmeal is known as a food that is enriched with fiber content. Therefore, oatmeal is recommended for consumption by people with stomach acid. Apart from that, oatmeal is also often consumed by people who are on a diet program because oatmeal is known to provide a feeling of fullness for longer.

If you are a stomach acid sufferer and still want to follow a diet program to lose weight, you should still consult with a nutritionist or doctor you trust. The reason is that improper dieting risks worsening the symptoms and condition of stomach acid you already suffer from.


Bananas are a fruit that is suitable for use as a healthy snack for stomach acid sufferers. It is known that bananas have a fairly low acid content and also have a pH content of around 5.6, which is good for neutralizing stomach acid. Apart from that, its soft texture can also help to form a protective layer on the irritated esophagus.

Not only are bananas good for consumption by stomach acid sufferers, but bananas also have a high fiber content, so they can improve intestinal function and prevent constipation. That way, some complaints such as flatulence, stomach ache, or discomfort in the stomach will be reduced.

Lean Meat

Another food for stomach acid sufferers is lean meat. This is in contrast to high-fat meat, which can actually trigger stomach ulcers. For this reason, stomach acid sufferers should avoid this type of food and replace it with low-fat meat or fish, which are easier for the stomach to digest.

For those of you who suffer from stomach acid, you should be more careful in choosing meat, for example, low-fat meat without skin or meat that is prepared by boiling, grilling, grilling, or steaming. This is because improper meat processing methods can also trigger an increase in stomach acid.

Almond nut

Almonds can also be used as a healthy snack for people with stomach acid. It is known that almonds have alkaline properties, so they can help neutralize acids. Not only almonds red beans are also known to be good when consumed by stomach acid sufferers. Not only are they high in fiber, but it is known that red beans are also enriched with potassium, which can help neutralize acid in the stomach. So, it can help reduce the appearance of various disturbing symptoms caused by stomach acid.


People with stomach acid are still allowed to eat bread. However, the recommended type of bread is bread whose composition consists of wheat or contains various grains in it. This is because this type of bread is enriched with vitamins, nutrients, and fiber, which are good for stomach health.

Green vegetable

Foods for stomach acid sufferers that should not be missed are green vegetables. When talking about healthy food, green food is one of the recommended types, right? Examples of vegetables that are recommended for consumption by stomach acid sufferers are broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, potatoes, green beans, cucumbers, and asparagus. These various vegetables have a high fiber content and also contain ingredients that can help reduce stomach acid.


Who would have thought that this spice plant provides warmth to the body and can also help reduce the risk of stomach acid symptoms? From the Healthline page, it is known that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help overcome digestive problems, and is also a natural medicine for ulcers and stomach acid. Therefore, you can consume ginger in any way, such as by cutting or grating it and then processing it into a warm drink. This will help relieve the symptoms of stomach acid disease that you are suffering from.


These are some foods for stomach acid sufferers that are easy to find. However, you still have to consume it in reasonable amounts, and if you find a condition that is uncomfortable after consuming it, you should immediately consult with your trusted doctor.


Image source: Pexels/Likas