Anxiety Disorders in Adolescents, Recognize the Causes

Anxiety disorders in adolescents can strike anyone. The causative factor can come from the family environment or past events.

Anxiety Disorders in Adolescents, Recognize the Causes
Anxiety Disorders in Adolescents

Anxiety Disorders in Adolescents - Often, many things can cause anxiety when we are teenagers. However, this is a normal reaction if it occurs for the right reasons.

However, if you experience excessive anxiety and appear without a cause, you must know that you may experience an anxiety disorder in adolescents. Someone can be considered a disorder if they can't sleep, lose their appetite, have disturbing thoughts, can't concentrate, etc.

Therefore, you need to participate in this interesting discussion because Mina will share a complete explanation of anxiety disorders in adolescents, from the causes to how to overcome them. Curious? Listen, come on!


Causes of Anxiety Disorders in Adolescents

Several factors can cause a person to experience anxiety disorders in adolescents, as follows:

1. Experiencing Bullying

The cause of anxiety disorders in adolescents can lead to a variety of poor mental health, one of which can be caused by bullying, or this bullying can cause trauma in a person.

2. Family Factor

Furthermore, various problems that exist in the family should be tightly closed by parents. However, few children also know these problems can cause anxiety disorders.

3. A habit of Using Prohibited Substances

The cause of anxiety disorders in adolescents can indeed cause a lot of changes in a person. You need to know that consuming alcohol, drugs, or other users can increase the risk of developing anxiety disorders.

4. Has a Shy Nature

Someone with a shy nature turns out to have a risk of experiencing anxiety disorders compared to others in general.


How to Overcome Anxiety Disorders in Teenagers

There are many ways to deal with anxiety disorders in adolescents, depending on the causes and other things. For someone who experiences anxiety disorders from bullying or harassment, it is best to consult a psychologist or an expert in their field. Because generally, someone who shares bullying has a very serious trauma himself.

Apart from that, for other causes, such as drug use, you can avoid anxiety disorders by reducing them first and slowly leaving them until you stop using drugs.


Image source: Pictures of Anxiety Disorders in Adolescents |