Stroke at a Young Age? These are the characteristics and ways to prevent it

Most strokes attack those who are elderly. However, can someone have a stroke at a young age?

Stroke at a Young Age? These are the characteristics and ways to prevent it
Illustration of a stroke |

Stroke is a disease that many people are afraid of. A person's highest risk of developing this disease is when they enter old age.

However, strokes can also strike at a young age. Many factors cause a stroke when you are young.

Stroke itself is a lack of blood supply to the brain caused by blockage or rupture of blood vessels so that oxygen levels in the brain will decrease. As a result, cells in some areas of the brain will experience disruption.

So, what are the factors that trigger stroke at a young age? And how can it be prevented? The following is the explanation.


Factors for Stroke at a Young Age

There are several factors that influence someone to have a stroke at a young age, such as health factors, lifestyle, and other factors.

Health factors that trigger a stroke include;

  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease, such as heart failure, heart infection, and so on
  • Obesity (overweight)
  • Sleep apnea
  • Have you had a heart attack before

Meanwhile, lifestyle factors that can cause a person to have a stroke are:

  • Smoke
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Lack of exercise or physical activity
  • Consuming illegal drugs

After knowing several causal factors, having a stroke at a young age also has certain characteristics. What are they? Let's go straight to the points.


Characteristics of Having a Stroke at a Young Age

Some of the characteristic symptoms of stroke that should be suspected early include the following:

1. Changes in the function of the five senses

The occurrence of changes in several sensory functions is one of the early symptoms of a mild stroke. This certainly cannot be taken lightly.

It is recommended that you immediately check and consult a doctor if you experience this.

2. Loss of consciousness and balance

The characteristics of a stroke at a young age can also be characterized by loss of consciousness and balance. Often feeling confused, losing your memory, or walking unsteadily, it's best not to take it lightly.

Immediately contact a doctor for further examination.

3. Mental changes

Mental changes such as difficulty speaking reading, and decreased memory are also early symptoms of a stroke. It is best to immediately consult a health service for further examination.

4. Nerve problems

Stroke is a disease related to the nervous system. Parts of the body will often feel tingling or even numb.


Stroke Prevention

As with other diseases, to reduce the risk of having a stroke at a young age, try practicing the healthy lifestyle below.

  • Maintain food patterns
  • Quit smoking
  • Exercise regularly
  • Do not consume alcohol
  • Don't use drugs


That was a brief explanation regarding stroke and some of its characteristics and prevention. Come on, always adopt a healthy lifestyle to avoid the risk of having a stroke at a young age.